পদক্ষেপ মানবিক উন্নয়ন কেন্দ্র সম্পর্কে
Operational Areas
Besides the mainland, Padakhep has also expanded its activities to the pocket areas of poverty such as haor, baor, hill tracts, char, tribal, coastal belt and monga-affected areas. At present Padakhep is operating its development activities all over the country through 14 Zonal Offices, 61 Area Offices and 350 Branch/Project Offices.
To make a democratic, just, equitable, capable and poverty-free Bangladesh.
To create self-financed, self-employed and self-empowered communities with increased capabilities by providing need-based services and supports like microfinance, agriculture, health, sanitation, education, HIV/AIDS prevention, gender, environment, social security, marketing, technology, etc.
To improve quality of life of the poor and the community people as a whole.
** To enhance the socioeconomic conditions of the disadvantaged and underprivileged people through undertaking and implementing strategic programs and projects.
** To ensure food security of the underprivileged poor people through improving their income and access to food.
** To assist the disadvantaged and underprivileged people for capacity building and ensuring provisions of basic needs of life like employment, income, health, education, etc.
** To help in building institution of the target groups for establishing their basic rights in the family, community and society.
** To transfer ownership of the organization to the beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries Coverages
In all, Padakhep covers about 10 million beneficiaries all over Bangladesh who are getting direct or indirect benefits from different development programs/projects operated by the organization. Principal beneficiaries of Padakhep include:
* Rural and urban hardcore poor
* Disadvantaged and underprivileged men, women and children
* Landless, marginal, small and large farmers
* Fishermen
* Street children
* Adolescent boys and girls
* Youths
* People with disability
* Tribal people
* Monga affected people
* Char dwellers
* Haor people
* Baor people
* Coastal People
* Drug Addict
* Displaced / Uprooted people
Major Programs/Projects
* Micro Finance
* Agriculture and Environment
* Health, Population and Nutrition
* Water and Sanitation
* HIV/AIDS Prevention
* Education, Child Development and Gender Development
* Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Development
* Advocacy and Counselling
* Training and Development
* Energy Development
* Research and Development