লগ ইন


নিরাপদ বাংলাদেশ সংস্থা এর প্রকল্প সমূহ

City-wide housing upgrading projects

No of families who will participate:

Activity A: Big Housing project – 30 among 550 households (Community name: Uttar Goshaipur Moshihopara, Dinajpur)
Activity B: Small upgrading projects – 317 households of four communities (Community names: Jogen babur math, Rajbari uraow para, Gaibandha para, Mata Shagor)
Activity C: Decent Poor Housing project – 10 households in 5 communities
Activity D: Community-based Waste Management - in 2-3 communities

Cost per housing unit (if applicable): 

Activity A: Big Housing project- USD 1,000

Activity C: Decent Poor Housing project- USD 500



Briefly explain the urban and shelter problems faced by the group that will be included in the project. Describe how this project relates to other areas or activities of the organization that will implement the project, and to other important issues in the housing, small infrastructure upgrading and/or social sector in your country. Mention how you plan to combine the funds provided by ACHR-SELAVIP with other funds or resources to make the project sustainable; especially link with ACCA fund for citywide community driven upgrading and housing.


Dinajpur is located in the north of Bangladesh. Poor people migrate permanently from far north where resources are scarce to this city for livelihood. As a result, many low-income communities can be found in the city. Long ago, people started to live on the abandoned land of Hindu owners who had left Bangladesh and migrated to India. Now, the land considered as government land. Though they got the advantage of living on a land from the past owner, living quality is considerably low. In the slums, people living together in a congested way and they can’t afford to build better. Although these communities are within municipality facilities like drain, electricity, water point etc. are not adequate. There are around 20 slums within the city.


Describe main goals and the characteristics of the families/communities that will participate in this project. Describe other sources of financement that will also contribute to the project.


Name of the five proposed communities

Jogen Babur Maath- 555 households

Gaibandha Para- 45 households

Rjbari Uraow Para- 127 households

Goshaipur Moshiho Para- 60 households

Mata Shagor – 85 households

Goshaipur Moshiho Para, the proposed community for big housing project is considered to be the most poor and helpless. People of this community are living for more than 30 years. They lack of good houses and hygienic toilets. Most of the people are day laborers.


From their group savings they can contribute USD 450 and individually they (30 households) are ready to contribute around USD 200.


- Be specific about the way technical assistance will be provided (CAN, Perween fellowship) - Tell about the experience of the professional/technical team that will implement the project.


Dissemination of knowledge/ volunteers—Engineers without Borders, POCAA

Mapping/ small action planning/ Architectural Design— POCAA (Platform of Community Action and Architecture) and Co.Creation.Architects, BRAC University
Supervision in times of implementation – SAFE Bangladesh  

Structural design-- Engineers from Dinajpur Pourashobha



How the community and/or families will be participating in this project.


Most of people of this community are daily laborer. Therefore, it is easier for them to give labor while construction of their houses. Moreover, they can add their savings in this process. Old building materials from old houses can be reused.



How many poorest families? What is selection process?


As Jogen Babur Maath community already has a saving committee, they will lead the savings activities in other communities. The members of savings network will select the beneficiaries of the project. Some of the criteria of selection process can be as follows

  • Willingness to participate
  • Present condition of house
  • Earning/ Income status
  • Willingness to be in the cooperative activities



Name of the Community

Total Households

Households Benefitted in first year

Possible Actions

A: Big Housing project 

Moshiho Para




B: Small upgrading projects 

Jogenbabur Math, Uraow Para, Gaibandha para Mata Shagor



Community centers, drains, access paths, water point and bathing spaces

C: Decent Poor Housing project 

Poorest/helpless households from all the above 5 communities

Numbers yet to be known



D: Community-based Waste Management 

2-3 communities from above 5 communities

Households of 2-3 communities

Households of 2-3 communities

Recycle, reuse and manage waste. Promote urban agriculture

Slum Development

Today, over a quarter of Bangladesh' population is urban - with one million arriving annually. Informal settlements are categorised by tenure insecurity, poor housing materials, limited access to public services and densely crowded and unsanitary conditions. We're supporting JBM slum improve their living conditions, with the design of community sanitation and drainage.