লগ ইন


SIL International এর সেবা সমূহ

Supporting multilingual education (MLE) programmes

We train communities and organisations so that they can develop multilingual education (MLE) curricula based on the learners’ language and culture.  Research shows that children will learn other languages better if they have a good foundation in their mother tongue. We believe good MLE programmes should give children a head start in the language they know best and build a strong bridge to Bangla and English.

Developing writing systems and dictionaries

We work alongside communities who want to write down their languages for the first time or modify existing writing systems. We provide information and technical support so that communities can make their own decisions about scripts, work out their spelling rules and produce dictionaries.

Adult literacy

We train teachers and supervisors for adult literacy classes in rural areas of Bangladesh. We support men and women from ethnolinguistic communities who dropped out of formal education but want to learn to read and write in Bangla.

Awareness raising and mobilisation

We believe community ownership is key to sustainability and we want to equip communities so that they can identify and meet their own needs. We provide training so that they can design and implement development activities locally.

Research and documentation

We support communities, governmental and non-governmental organisations with a wide range of language, education and development activities, including:

We are committed to supporting communities as they document their languages and cultures. We also provide well researched information about Bangladesh’s linguistic and cultural diversity to other organisations.