লগ ইন


গ্রাম বিকাশ কেন্দ্র এর পরিচালক বৃন্দ

Ashim Rauth

ডিরেক্টর 01713163505

He is now working as "Director (Operations)-MF"
Joining Date: 15/11/2017
Previous job: N/A
Educational Qualification: MA in Accounting

Moazzem Hossain

ডিরেক্টর 01713-163508

He is the Chief Executive of Gram Bikash Kendra
Address: Vill-Rustomnagor, Post-Parbatipur, Upazilla-Dinajpur, Dist-Dinajpur

Working Experience with GBK:

 Presently He is working with Gram Bikash Kendra (GBK), Parbatipur, Dinajpur. He has started his service with GBK as the Director of the organization in the year 1993. During his service with this organization, He have been carrying out the following responsibilities-


  • Carry  out the organizational administrative responsibilities as the chief of the organization
  • Program/project designing, planning, supervision, monitoring and other relevant activities
  • Linkage with different government and non-government authorities and civil societies
  • Contact sign with different donor and supportive agencies on different project/program implementation

During his service with Gram Bikash Kendra, he has been working with different donor and supportive executing agencies, which are-

  • With Community Aid  Abroad, Australia
  • With Population Concern, UK
  • With OXFAM-GB
  • With Bread for the World
  • With  Polli Karma Shahayak Foundation(PKSF) 
  • With  Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
  • With the Integrated Food Assisted Development project-2 under Ministry of Fisheries, Government of Bangladesh
  •  With the Integrated Food Assisted Development project-3 under  the ministry of local government and engineering department of Bangladesh government 
  • With the department of non-formal Education under the primary and mass education ministry of Bangladesh government 
  • With CARE Bangladesh
  • With NGO forum for drinking water supply and sanitation
  • With the British Bangladesh Partnership Scheme
  • With the USAID on Job Opportunities and Business Support (JOBS) Project
  • With the Swiss Agencies for Development and Cooperation (SDC) 
  • With Interchurch Organization for Development and Cooperation (ICCO) the Netherlands
  • With HEKS, Switzerland
  • With International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • With Nayantara Communications, Dhaka
  • With Shapla Neer, Japan
  • With Syngenta Foundation Bangladesh
  • With Manusher Jonno Foundation-MJF



Being the Chief Executive of GBK, he is currently carrying performing as the chairperson of two regional networks-1. Land and agrarian network for development -Rangpur-Dinajpur(LAND-RD). LAND-RD is a network of 20 local and regional NGOs that are working in the field of land reformation in the north part of Bangladesh.

2. Coordination of NGO’s for Adibhashi’s (CNA). CNA is a  Dinajpur based network of national and local NGOs that are working for the development of the indigenous peoples.  Beside these, HE represent GBK as a member of Credit and development forum, Campaign for popular Education, Indigenous Children’s Education Forum, Voluntary Services Overseas-Bangladesh (VSO-B), Micro credit summit campaign etc.   He also has good relation and communications with the government and local government and union, Upazila and district level.  he have good relation and communication with other NGO’s and civil society organizations from local to nation level.


He has worked or has been working in the following project/programmes designing, planning, supervision, monitoring, reporting and evaluation  with the above mentioned donor and supporting agencies-

  • Comprehensive development programme (CDP)
  • Village and firm forestry project (VFFP)
  • Non-Formal Primary Education project (NFPE)
  • Adult Literacy Project
  • Registered Primary School Strengthening Project (RPSSP)
  • Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development Project (PLCEHDP)
  •  Indigenous Peoples Development Project (IPDP)
  • Integrated Family Planning and Mother and child Health Project (IFPP)
  • Trickle up project
  • Job Opportunities and Business Support Project(JOBS)
  • Savings and Micro Credit Programme
  • Participatory Livestock Development Project(PLDP)
  • Ultra Poor Development Project (UP)
  • Homestead farming by Grameen Poor project (HFGP)
  • Strengthening Household Agricultural Activities by Grameen Effort(SHAABGE) project
  • Pond Re-excavation Project
  • Sanitation Support for Grameen Poor Project
  • Women Empowerment  through Decent Employment (WEDE) project
  • Developing Alternative Life skills and initiatives Together (DALIT) project with the Horizon(scavengers)
  • People’s Opportunities Wider through Education and Rights (POWER) project
  • Integrated Aquaculture Project (IAP)
  • Parent’s  Awareness Raising for child Education and Nurturing through Training Support (PARENTS) Project 


Working Experience with Shagheed Smrity Shangha-SSS:

Before starting working with GBK, He had carried out directorship job in another local NGO called Shagheed Smrity Shangha-SSS in his own village during 1980 to 1992. The organization SSS was established after liberation year of Bangladesh with the initiatives of a few numbers of social activist in Parbatipur as a social club. From its inception, the organization was dealing with social and community issues. In the year 1980, to make the organization proo-poor people, it was shifted as a non-government organization (NGO).  During his service with SSS, he had worked with different donor and supporting agencies which are-

  • Switch Agencies for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Center for Development Services (CDS)
  • The Asia Foundation
  • International Voluntary Services
  • Nova Consultancy of Bangladesh (NCB)
  • Bread for the World, Germany
  • NORAD, Royal Norwegian Embassy


Participation in the International Meeting/Seminar:


During my 25 years NGO services, he has participated in number of national and international training, meeting and seminars.  Few of those ares-

  • he had attended in a study tour to India on Rural Development in 1988. This tour was organizes by  an Indian Rural Development Organization named Gram Niozon Kendra, Gajiabad, India and sponsored by the Asia Foundation.
  • In 1987, he had attended in a study tour to Thailand to visit Health and community Development programme activities arranged by the Asian Development Center and sponsored by USAID
  • he had attended in the World Civil Society Conference in 1999, sponsored by  OXFAM-GB in Montreal, Canada
  • In December 1999, he had visited Population Concern Head Quarter, London. During my visit, he had shared the Integrated family Planning Project with the population concern management team
  • he had participated in the global micro credit summit in nova Scotia, Canada in 2006
  • He had visited HEKS Switzerland in 2006 office and shared project with the HEKS office team
  • He had visited  Tebteba Foundation of the Philippines’ in 2005 where he learned about indigenous peoples empowerment process. Voluntary Services Overseas Bangladesh (VSO-B) arranged the tour